
Poly gone ...

Coventry Tokyo 2011

Coventry ... Fast bikes ... perfectly set up ... I once rode a Harris Triumph set up by Shimizu-san across Rainbow Bridge and beyond ... And will never forget it.



Bikeworks wallpapers to download at Bike EXIF


Nice work Caleb

No nepotism here ... That's a straight up perfect Pan, as far as I am concerned.
Diceman Davis and Chimpo thought so too.

Photos liberated from here


Ghost Building Singapore

Keef Nosh

Lot's of blog food this week ... a good one from Keef ...



Tokyo/Singapore .... the international language ....


Cherry Blossom


No trip is compete without spending time with Masa.
Best fish and chips in Tokyo. Fact.


TOKYO ....

In Tokyo until next Saturday ... Cherry Blossom time ... Can't wait ....


Danny Lyon

"The work should be a highly emotional experience, and if you don’t have any feelings about it, how in the world will anyone else viewing your work [feel anything] from the work?  Bikers were pretty much despised when I did the work in the mid-sixties. They did everything proper people were not supposed to do, and they looked great. I rode a 650- lb. British-made motorcycle, a Triumph, which made a lot of noise.

We invent the news. History itself is a creation. So who is going to create history? Fox News, or you?

A wise man once pointed out that “why” is not a good question. Normally, people do not really know why they do something. “What?” is better. I am more proud of what I did with my life. "

Danny Lyon, February 2011.