No ... not UK ... UTAH !! ... with Diceman Davis and some loaned new Burton gear ... beats fish and chips and getting soaked on the way back to London.
The son of stunt legend, Evel Kievel, Robbie Knievel, has announced that he will be attempting to jump 16 double-decker buses in London on 22nd May 2010. The stunt is one that his late father famously failed to complete, when he crashed at Wembly in May 1975 while attempting to jump 13 buses.
Knievel will be using the same model of bike – a Harley XR750 – as his father rode during his unsuccessful bid. He’s undertaken every jump that Evel did, with the exception of the Snake River Canyon jump and – until now – the bus jump.
“I’ve never jumped a Harley-Davidson before and I’m ten years older than my dad was when he retired,” Robbie Knievel, 47, which doesn’t really inspire that much confidence. Talks are taking place with Wembley Stadium and the owners of Battersea Power Station over holding the event.
There's nothing like the long sweep over Chelsea Bridge to get the Triumph nice and hot and then get to work on that Amal ... Running really smoothly now ... just in time for the snow next week.